We are on a mission to make every woman we meet feel fit, calm and fabulous.

You can have a:

Fit Body. Calm Mind. Fabulous Life. 




We help you use Yoga to feel good in body and mind.



Welcome! Kia ora! Greetings! 

If you are ready to have a fit body, calm mind and fabulous life, you can with a holistic Yoga lifestyle. Yoga is the holistic lifestyle path that will give you a fit, strong, healthy, and vibrant body and mind. Resulting in you having a more joyful and fulfilling life.

The ancient teachings and practices of Yoga teach you to take back control of your life and live with meaning, purpose, fulfillment and satisfaction.

The Yoga Lifestyle path defines four glorious goals and measures of success for your life. These goals and measures of success are:

* Goal one - Kama - You are meant to experience enjoyment, feeling good, uplifted and pleasure every single day and most (90%) of the time,

* Goal two - Artha - You are meant to be prosperous and move forward in your life feeling abundant and with vibrant, good health,

* Goal three - Dharma - You are meant to be living your life on purpose for you - you will not be happy until you step into living your purpose (job/career/calling),

* Goal four - Moksha - You are meant to feel free and fearless and wake up empowered each day with the knowing that you are the creator of your experience and your ultimate happiness.

As non-dual Tantric yogini's we believe you deserve to and should live the successful life of your dreams and you should achieve the glorious goals of the Yoga lifestyle path. If you are a successful woman who ticks all or most of the boxes of being *successful* in the western world and have achieved it all on the outside (house, career, money) but still:

* feel dissatisfied, or like something is missing,

* have complaints about your life and wish it could be different/better,

* dislike, resent or hate your *great* job that makes you *good* money and gives you status,

* are dissatisfied with your body, worried about how you are aging, or have aches and pains and issues with your body,

* are struggling with perimenopause and menopause symptoms, like not sleeping well, weight gain, or mood swings. Or you are just not sleeping well due to other factors like a busy mind,

* are always too busy, overscheduled and rushing from one thing to another,

* are stressed, anxious, depressed, lacking confidence and self-esteem,

* have no time or energy for yourself because work, kids, family and friends get all your time and energy,

* are self-soothing with low-grade (or serious) addiction(s) like caffeine, sugar, drinking, or exercising a little too much to distract yourself,

these are all signs you are out of balance and are being called to live a more enjoyable and satisfying life. These are signs you are being called to balance your life and find a whole new level of success with a holistic Yoga Lifestyle.

The holistic Yogic lifestyle path gives you all the solutions you need to positively transform the list above and move yourself back into balance. Yoga provides you with the solutions for a living a joy filled life you will love, offering practices for your physical body, mind/brain, emotional management, food and nutrition, spiritual connection. Working with us, we support you to identify the practices that will support you to bring you back into balance, to experience a deeper level of overall satisfaction and keep you there.

In the physical practices of Yoga you will get a fit, strong, healthy and vibrant body, that you will maintain as you age. You learn postural alignment for pain relief and injury prevention. It keeps your spine supple and mobile. Look around at the Yoga people you know, their physical bodies look amazing for their ages.

The mental and mindfulness practices of Yoga give you a centered and calm mind with the benefits of emotional regulation. You learn to let go of your complaints, the future and the past and you will live more joyfully in the moment.

The Ayurveda practices of Yoga look at your food and nutrition and overall lifestyle and encourage you to anchor more into living in tune with your feminine nature.

The spiritual practices of Yoga get you to see the beauty, goodness and perfection in everything and every moment allowing your spirit to be radiant, free and light. By working with non-dual Tantric yogini's, you learn that embodiment and enjoying your body is the path to a deeper spiritual connection and that everything is a doorway to the divine.

The holistic lifestyle path of Yoga understands that every single person expresses and brings to life the glorious goals of Yoga differently. At Yoga to Transform we help you to celebrate the unique contribution you have to make to the world, affirming it is okay for you to be doing what it takes for you to achieve these glorious goals and measures of success in your life. The holistic Yogic lifestyle path knows that what makes you happy will not make everyone happy, and we celebrate this. 

Our classes, courses and coaching programmes will support you to step into your joy, abundance, purpose and freedom on a whole new level.

Take your life to the next level  with

 Yoga to Transform 

Learn more about our self-paced courses.
Learn more about our Fit and Fabulous monthly membership
Learn more about our upcoming events, workshops and group coaching

Our classes, courses, events and coaching are structured to support your success. They are designed to meet you where you are and to take you where you want to go.

You will feel alive and have more energy and enthusiasm for your life after having completed one of our classes, courses or coaching programmes. 

Everything we do is designed to support you to live your life as fully as you can. We want you to be empowered and excited by the knowing that the holistic Yogic lifestyle path will positively transform your life and will continue to do so for as long as you stay on it.

When you work with Yoga to Transform you will achieve the lasting lifestyle change you desire.

Audrie and Kristina both achieved significant success in the corporate world but always felt something was missing. Their journey to find the joy, abundance, purpose and freedom they were seeking led them to create Yoga to Transform, so they could offer the holistic Yoga lifestyle path via classes, courses and coaching programmes to the successful modern woman who wants and knows there is more for herself.

Meet Audrie and Kristina


I always thought I'd like to do yoga and about 20 years ago I started going to a night class at a local high school. I was pretty out of touch with my body, no spatial awareness and had to look behind me to see where my foot was!

I liked the feeling of moving my body and for once there wasn't any comparison with others.

I made it a regular practice and when I moved back to Christchurch I met a new yoga teacher - Kristina! She encouraged me to do some weekend workshops and next thing I was doing a handstand for the first time in my life!

But really for me it wasn't all about the handstands. It was me being me in my body, moving it, feeling great and enjoying my life.

After earthquakes, hip joint replacements, redundancy and COVID I decided to take my life in a new direction and began my journey as a yoga teacher. I love it. The study, the teaching and the daily practice which brings me joy (most days)!

I am also a fully trained Movingness teacher and love working with beginners and  seniors helping them to feel movement and joy in their bodies.

Check out our suite of courses to find the one that will suit you; Beginners and Seniors 6 week in-person courses throughout the year





I believe in the power of the Yoga lifestyle to completely and positively transform your life. If you are ready to take your *good* life; that has something missing, and you are not quite satisfied - but you can't quite put your finger on what it is - and make it a great life. Then I am your Yoga teacher and holistic lifestyle coach.

My passion is to share with you how you can positively transform your life, through the ancient secrets of the Yoga lifestyle practices. Non-dual Tantric Yoga is a path of living fully and vibrantly, ensuring you enjoy this life through expressing your full potential for health and living with purpose. Ultimately for me nondual Tantric Yoga is a spiritual practice. There is always the opportunity to take your experience of life, whether it is in a yoga pose or in an uplifting state of being, like joy, to a deeper level.

The Yoga lifestyle is a holistic path that will support you to feel like you are continuing to grow as a person; it helps you to learn about yourself, the nature of life and how to navigate your life with a little more intention, purpose, peace, calm, joy and love. You can create the life of your dreams with this wholistic lifestyle path and leave living the life you think you should behind.

I am a dedicated student of non-dual Tantric Yoga and Ayurveda. I have studied and continue to study with amazing Yoga teachers from around the world such as Benita Wolfe, Desiree Rumbaugh, Noah Maze, Christina Sell, John Friend, Katie Lane, Marc Holzman, Ross Rayburn, Martin Kirk, Tara Judelle, Donna Farhi, Christine du Fresne, Carlos Pomeda, Sarah Powell and Katie Silcox (Shakti School, Ayurveda).

I am a dedicated student so I can be a better teacher and coach. I am a Level 3 Yoga NZ registered teacher, Anusara Inspired teacher, group fitness instructor, personal trainer and am currently studying towards a certification in Ayurveda wellness coaching.

Sign-up to our Fit and Fabulous monthly membership, and you will get three yoga classes a week with me PLUS also get a monthly Level 2 class and a supported mindfulness and meditation practice.


“How did the classes help you? I feel more mobile, and more flexible Would you recommend the classes to a friend? Yes, because it’s an enjoyable experience that is beneficial to you”
- Carol

“I’m doing the Yoga to Transform Sleep course and love the daily structure and guidance, along with the supporting information. I noticed that as I paid more attention to my need for sleep, I began to take better care of myself in the other areas of my life. This course has been life-changing!.”
- Dinah

I like Audrie's teaching style. Her explanations make sense to me. I particularly like the way that she uses the same descriptions each week as that helps me to remember what to do. Please add any other comments: Room great. Parking easy. Location easy to find.
- Margaret

 Deep Rest and Nourishment Mini Retreat: It was great, I knew it would be relaxing but it was really useful to takeaway some new breathing techniques and some additional bolster poses. The half day exceed my expectations.
- Steph

What changes did you notice physically or emotionally during the retreat ...  I feel the more I do this type of thing the more I am learning about myself and how to relax
- Debbie

“Kristina provided clear and easy explanations and really held the group well. She provided great techniques and mind opening opportunities. More, more, more …….”
- Alice C

“This was my first step to changing my beliefs. I would recommend this workshop because it gives you the tools to know how to change”
- Mel

“Kristina is so warm and lovely. She just oozes purpose and positivity. It was really useful and eye opening. There were awesome tools for working through my beliefs”
- Abigail C

“The deep relaxation from the combination of the three elements of Yin & Pin was so enjoyable”
- Brenda W

“I think this workshop is beneficial to anyone who needs the support and knowledge to change. I would take it again as making a change you need reminding and upkeep. Amazing. Inspiring. Funny. Delightful. Kind. Easy. Fantastic energy and confidence”
- Jenna I

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