Sarvangasana: The Mother of All Asanas

Jul 30, 2024

In the realm of yoga, few poses hold the reverence and importance of Sarvangasana, also known as Shoulder Stand. As one of the most cherished gifts from our ancient sages, Sarvangasana is often referred to as the "mother of all asanas." This pose is renowned for its profound effects on the entire human system, striving for harmony and happiness much like a mother nurtures her home.

B.K.S. Iyengar, in his seminal book Light on Yoga, emphasizes the unparalleled significance of Sarvangasana. He describes it as a panacea for many common ailments, offering numerous benefits that extend beyond physical well-being. The asana impacts several endocrine organs or ductless glands in the body, which play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced and well-developed body and brain. When these glands are not functioning properly, hormonal imbalances can occur, leading to various health issues. Remarkably, many yoga asanas, including Sarvangasana, have a direct effect on these glands, aiding in their proper functioning.

Specifically, Sarvangasana stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands located in the neck. The inverted position of the body allows venous blood to flow to the heart effortlessly by the force of gravity, promoting healthy blood circulation around the neck and chest. This can provide relief to individuals suffering from breathlessness, palpitations, asthma, bronchitis, and throat ailments. The inversion and chin lock (Jalandhara Bandha) regulate blood supply to the head, soothing the nerves and alleviating headaches, even chronic ones. Regular practice of Sarvangasana can also help eradicate common colds and nasal disturbances.

The calming effect of this asana on the nervous system is particularly beneficial for those dealing with hypertension, irritability, short temper, nervous breakdowns, and insomnia. The pose's influence on bodily gravity aids in the proper functioning of the abdominal organs, promoting healthy bowel movements and relieving constipation. This detoxification process leaves practitioners feeling energized and revitalized. Sarvangasana is also recommended for managing urinary disorders, uterine displacement, menstrual troubles, piles, hernia, epilepsy, low vitality, and anemia.

It is no exaggeration to say that consistent practice of Sarvangasana can instill a sense of vigor, strength, happiness, and confidence. The asana brings a renewed zest for life, peace of mind, and joy. For those recovering from long illnesses, practicing Sarvangasana twice daily can restore lost vitality.

However, caution is advised for individuals with high blood pressure. It is recommended that they first perform Halasana (Plow Pose) and stay in it for at least three minutes before attempting Sarvangasana.

In essence, Sarvangasana is a comprehensive asana that promotes harmony throughout the entire system, balancing the body and mind. Its therapeutic benefits make it a staple in any yoga practice, offering a gateway to holistic health and well-being. Whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments or a deeper sense of inner peace, Sarvangasana is a practice that can transform your life.

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