The Power of Meditation: Patanjali's 7th Limb of Yoga

Sep 26, 2024

In the sacred tradition of yoga, the journey toward inner stillness and spiritual transformation passes through eight key milestones known as the Ashtanga or the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as described by the sage Patanjali. Meditation, or Dhyana, is the seventh limb—a culmination of all the previous practices that leads us to the deeper realms of our consciousness.

But meditation is not just a practice; it is a portal, an invitation to rise above the clutter of the world and step into our truest selves. In today's world, where so much pulls our attention outward, Dhyana gives us the gift of reconnecting with our essence, that inner sanctuary of peace and clarity.

The Journey Through the Limbs to Meditation

We begin our journey with the body and the mind, first aligning our behaviors through the Yamas and Niyamas—ethical observances that clear the mental and emotional debris. Then we move through Asana, the physical postures that prepare our body for a comfortable seat, which is crucial when we sit for meditation. From the gross, we move into the subtle through Pranayama (breath regulation) and Pratyahara (the withdrawal of the senses), where we gradually draw our awareness inward, detaching from the outer world to cultivate stillness.

This all prepares us for Dhyana—a state of effortless meditation where the mind becomes one-pointed, steady, and deeply focused. But Dhyana is more than just focus; it is the conscious merging of the individual self with universal consciousness. It is where our daily experiences of stress, anxiety, and worry dissolve into the vastness of pure awareness.

Meditation: A Path to High Altitude Living

When we commit to a solid meditation practice, it’s like flying a plane. It elevates us—takes us higher, offering a vantage point that transforms how we perceive life. From this higher place, we can see our problems for what they truly are: temporary, impermanent experiences that no longer have the power to pull us under.

When you meditate, you begin to live from a place of altitude. Your frustrations, your limiting beliefs, the daily grind of life—they no longer define you. Instead, you see the truth: you are much more than your struggles. You start to witness life from a higher perspective, one that allows you to respond to challenges with grace and clarity.

Meditation also takes you farther. It stretches you into the realm of possibility, expanding your awareness beyond the conditioned stories and patterns that once confined you. This is the power of Dhyana—it moves you into alignment with your fullest potential, calling you toward the highest version of yourself.

Drawing Inward to Connect with the True Self

In class, we practice techniques like Pratyahara to draw our senses inward, shutting out the noise of the external world. This is one of the key preparatory steps for meditation. By shifting from extroversion to introversion, we create space for true connection—connection with our deeper, wiser self. We learn to witness the fluctuations of the mind, and slowly, we stop identifying with them.

As we close our eyes and tune into the breath, we begin to touch the sacred ground of stillness within. Every breath becomes a doorway, leading us further inward, peeling back the layers of distraction, until we arrive at that silent, unchanging space of consciousness. From here, meditation becomes a natural state, a merging of the individual and the infinite.

Final Thoughts: Living from the Inside Out

Meditation, as described by Patanjali, is not something we “do.” It’s a state of being that arises naturally when we prepare the mind and body through the previous limbs of yoga. It’s about moving inward, remembering who we are beneath the surface, and living from that place of inner steadiness and peace.

In this way, meditation becomes the ultimate tool for transformation. It elevates us above the noise of life, giving us a higher vantage point from which to experience the world, and it moves us into alignment with our highest potential. When you meditate, you are living from the inside out, tapping into a source of wisdom, power, and peace that can guide you through life’s challenges with grace and ease.

Whether you're stepping onto the mat for the first time or deepening an existing practice, meditation is a call to reconnect, to be present with yourself, and to experience the fullness of who you are. Let it take you high. Let it take you far.

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