The Wisdom of Our Bodies: Tuning into Your Innate Intelligence

Sep 21, 2024

In today's world, with its constant barrage of information and social media chatter, it's easy to get lost in other people's opinions about what is “right” for your body. Fitness trends, controversial posts, and expert advice flood our feeds, and we may find ourselves doubting what we already know deep down. I had an interesting conversation recently at the gym where this exact thing came up. One of the supervisors was talking about a fitness influencer who claimed deep squats were "bad for you." But here’s the thing—ancient yogis have been deep squatting for thousands of years. Women in Asian countries squat as they work in the rice paddies, and their bodies function just fine.

This is where the wisdom of our own bodies comes into play. What does your body say about deep squats, or any movement for that matter? How does your body feel when you move through space? Learning to listen to your body is an act of reclaiming your power, your sovereignty. And this is one of the greatest gifts of a yoga practice.

The practice of yoga teaches us not only to move but to connect. It’s about riding the waves of life, whether that’s a controversial post on Instagram or a challenge that shows up in your daily practice. Yoga invites us into a deeper relationship with our own innate wisdom, a knowing that is embedded in our cells.

Functional Patterns vs. Ancient Wisdom

Functional training, gym workouts, and movement trends all have their place. Many offer incredible benefits for body mechanics, strength, and mobility. But when we start to take every fitness post at face value, we risk losing touch with what truly matters: What feels right in your body?

As we practice yoga, we learn to understand how poses feel for us—not for the person on the screen, not for the influencer, but for our unique physical being. And that’s the true wisdom we seek. Maybe deep squats are beneficial for your body. Maybe they’re not, but the only way to find out is to tune into your own experience.

A Journey Back to the Body

In the Anusara practice, we treat the body as a gateway to our deepest experiences. The ancient Tantriki yogis knew that our physical form holds the key to our most profound truths. Every time we come to the mat, we reconnect with the wisdom of the body, learning to expand into our own power. This isn't about rigid rules or blanket advice; it's about exploring, sensing, and honoring the messages our bodies send us.

Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let your breath guide you into your body. Notice how it feels, how your energy flows. Maybe you feel vibrant today. Maybe there’s tension or tiredness. Whatever arises, simply observe, without judgment. The more we listen to this innate intelligence, the more our life starts to flourish.

In a world that constantly tells us what to do with our bodies—how to work out, what to eat, how to look—yoga invites us to slow down and listen to the subtle wisdom within. It’s here, in the quiet moments on the mat, that we reclaim our own voice, our body’s voice, and that wisdom becomes our guide.

Building a Relationship with Yourself

Yoga isn’t about mastering a pose or achieving a certain look. It’s about building a pure relationship with yourself. As you sit with your breath, as you move through poses like the deep squat, you’re not only strengthening your muscles—you’re deepening your connection to the wisdom that’s been with you all along.

Each breath, each movement, is a reminder that your body knows what’s best for you. And the more you listen, the more vibrant your life becomes. Instead of following the next fitness trend or getting caught up in the noise of what others think, yoga teaches us to follow our own path—guided by the wisdom of our body, our breath, and our heart.

So the next time someone tells you what you should or shouldn't do with your body, pause and ask yourself, What does my body say? Trust that voice. It's wiser than you think.

This practice is an act of coming home. A journey into the deepest part of yourself where you can expand into your fullest potential, aligned with your own truth. Breathe into that gratitude for this body that carries you through life. Trust in its wisdom, and let it guide you to greater vitality, freedom, and joy.

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