The most powerful person in the room is the most flexible

Jan 20, 2024

In the world of yoga, flexibility is not just about touching your toes or performing complex poses. It goes beyond the physical and dives into a mindset that holds immense power. Being the most flexible person in the room isn't about contorting your body; it's about the ability to connect to a bigger perspective and embrace different viewpoints.

In the practice of Anusara Yoga, we distinguish our identity with two planes of the body – the front and the back. The front represents our individual perspective, our needs, and our ego. It's not a bad thing; we all need a healthy ego. However, there's another side – the back of the body, symbolizing our connection to the universal. It's the part of us that sees the bigger picture, understanding how all the pieces fit together.

There's this beautiful understanding that the most powerful person in the room is the most flexible one. Power here isn't about dominating or imposing, but about the willingness to step back, consider various perspectives, see the bigger picture and understand the interconnectedness of all things.

Reflecting on personal experiences, moments of weakness often aligned with an unwillingness to see things differently. The times I lost my power were when I clung rigidly to my own viewpoint, unwilling to hear the other side of the story. Flexibility in mindset, rather than physical prowess, proved to be the key to maintaining strength and power in circumstances off the mat.

Yoga Practice: The bigger intention is to cultivate flexibility not only in our bodies but also in our minds. By exploring poses that connect us to our back body we aim to tap into that universal connection and embrace a broader perspective.

Let this practice of Yoga serve as a reminder that flexibility goes beyond the mat – it's a mindset that empowers us to be open, understanding, and adaptable. By embracing different viewpoints, we become the most powerful versions of ourselves.

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