Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary.

anusara yoga best life yoga to transform values love May 26, 2024

As I sit here contemplating my son’s upcoming 20th birthday, I find myself reflecting on the significance of milestones in our lives. It’s interesting how we place importance on events like a child’s first birthday, weddings, turning 21, and other significant moments. These milestones give us something to look forward to and help mark the passage of time.

In the book I'm currently reading, it discusses the importance of having goals and milestones to aim for. This got me thinking about how much we rely on these events to break the monotony of our daily lives. Governments also recognize this, creating holidays like Christmas, Easter, and in New Zealand, Matariki, to give us these moments of anticipation and celebration.

However, in Anusara Yoga, there’s a beautiful concept of making the ordinary extraordinary. It teaches us to see the extraordinary in everyday moments, reducing our dependence on future events to bring us happiness. By appreciating the present, we can find joy and fulfillment in the here and now.

The more I practice this perspective, the more I realize how wonderful life truly is. There is a miracle in every heartbeat, in the changing of seasons, in the natural cycles that hold us. This awareness allows us to find peace and joy in the present moment.

In our yoga practice, we often talk about the importance of anchoring ourselves in the extraordinary nature of the present. For example, I’m sitting on a yoga mat—something that someone made, that somehow made its way to me. I don’t know the journey it took, but its presence here is a miracle in itself.

By embracing this mindset, life becomes more peaceful and joyful. It’s not that we don’t look forward to future events, but we don’t rely on them for our happiness. We can find joy right now, in this moment, sitting in our homes, enjoying the warmth of a heater, or simply being present.

As we move into opening our hearts and deepening our backbends in today’s practice, let’s focus on seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. Let’s appreciate the miracle of each moment, and find joy in the simple act of being.

By doing this, we can transform our lives. We can make every moment count and find fulfillment in the present. Let’s carry this awareness with us, both on and off the mat, and celebrate the extraordinary nature of our everyday lives.

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