Yoga: The Discipline of Freedom

yoga philosophy Sep 29, 2024

In our modern world, we are often bound by our own perceptions, by the stories we’ve been told or have unconsciously told ourselves. Yoga, however, offers a way to step into true freedom. This ancient practice invites us to see the world not as we are, but as it is, unveiling the truest form of life.

I’ve been on this spiritual path for over 20 years, and while it has been transformative, I am still growing, still flawed, still learning to let go of the meanings I once imposed on my life. Yoga teaches us that we are the meaning-makers of our experiences, which is an incredibly powerful position. Most of humanity, however, remains in the shadows of victimhood, unaware of their ability to shape their reality.

When I first started practicing, I didn’t fully understand why we were taught to acknowledge our perception of the world—to see that we, in fact, assign meaning to everything we experience. But this realization is liberating. We hold the power to choose, to decide how we frame life’s events, and to release the binds that keep us stuck.

Yoga is a journey of unbinding, a process of feeling into the spaces where we are not free. And freedom is not just physical; it’s mental and emotional too. As I walked through the supermarket today, I saw a sign that read "Pain Relief," and it struck me—how many of us are seeking relief, not just from physical pain, but from the emotional and mental pains we carry?

Through yoga, we lean into the discomfort, the binds that constrict us, both in body and mind. We breathe into them, allow them to unravel, and in that release, we find freedom. Even if only for a moment, that release is bliss. It’s a taste of the ultimate freedom—Jivanmukti, the state of being completely at one with consciousness.

Yoga reminds us that our natural state is bliss. Yet, so many of us choose a different meaning, a different story. The power of yoga lies in returning us to that natural state. It’s not about creating material things (although that’s possible too), but about creating a life of bliss, peace, love, and joy.

The modern metaphysical teachers echo what yoga has always taught: focus on how you want to feel, not on what you want to get. It’s through this focus that we find freedom—the power to choose the thoughts we have and the world we create for ourselves.

As you move through your yoga practice, notice the places of tension, of restriction, and breathe through them. Let go. Allow yourself to soften into freedom, to write a new story of bliss, connection, and liberation. Yoga is the discipline that allows us to find this freedom, and it’s available to each of us, right now.


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