Answer the call to Love

Jan 29, 2024

In the realm of spiritual philosophy, the notion that love is the ground of being evokes an analogy from Eckhart Tolle, comparing it to a fish unaware of the water it swims in. Much like the fish, we may be immersed in love without recognizing it, as it surrounds us like the air we breathe.

Life's myriad experiences can sometimes cloud our awareness of the omnipresence of love. Children instinctively understand this truth, expressing a natural belief in their awesomeness and trust that all their needs will be met. However, as we age, we often drift away from this inherent understanding of love.

During a yoga practice, as we move our bodies, there arises a moment of stillness where the gentle voice of the heart becomes audible – a call to love. Whether we heed this call is our choice, presented to us in every moment of every day.

Renowned spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson, in her book "A Return to Love," articulates our deepest fear not as inadequacy, but the fear of our own brilliance and power. The journey of life beckons us to remember that we originate from love and ultimately return to it, whether in this lifetime or the next.

Love, being the highest frequency, generates a profound sense of well-being. Drawing on the teachings of David Hawkins about the map of consciousness, we understand that the love frequency is the gateway to connecting with the universal force.

For those new to the spiritual journey, the question arises: How do we embrace love as the ground of being? The answer lies in taking the initial steps, and if you've already recognized the absence of love in your life, your spiritual awakening has begun.

Practical steps may include engaging in practices like yoga and meditation. Through meditation, we create space in our lives to be present in the moment, allowing the soft voice of the heart to surface.

The Course in Miracles asserts that love is the only reality, while everything else is an illusion. Applying this in daily life reveals that every action is either an act of love or a call to love. When faced with negativity, recognizing it as a call for love empowers us to respond with love, rather than being pulled into the illusion of separation.

The spiritual journey is a deep exploration of these concepts, a continuous process of understanding and application. In challenging situations, choosing love over resentment or withdrawal brings us back to the frequency of love, reinforcing the idea that love is the ground of being.

In conclusion, the path of yoga philosophy invites us to clear our past and live in the present, exploring and embracing love as the fundamental essence of our being. May your spiritual journey be a continual unfolding of love in its myriad forms.

Learn more about our 'Align to Love' course and use that to answer the call to love: Yoga to Transform Love

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