Balanced Action: The Sweet Spot of Embodying Your Intentions

Jan 20, 2025

In yoga, as in life, there’s a natural flow between dreaming and doing. We can set our intentions with clarity, align our energy with our desires, and visualize our dreams coming true. But here’s the truth: none of it truly comes to life until we take action.

Yoga teaches us that while visioning and alignment are vital, they are incomplete without action. This is the essence of the third “A” in Anusara yoga: Action. It’s the moment when the internal aligns with the external, and we step forward into the world to manifest what lives within us.

The Power of Action

In the metaphysical realm, many teachings suggest that if you meditate on your desires and align your energy, everything will fall into place. While there’s wisdom in this, yoga reminds us that we must pair intention with action.

Want to change careers? You have to study and acquire the skills.
Want to feel healthier in your body? You have to exercise and nourish yourself.
Want to find love? You might need to swipe right on that dating app or say yes to the next invitation.

It’s not enough to dream; we have to do. Action becomes the bridge between our desires and the reality we long to create.

Balanced Action: The Sweet Spot

Here’s where the beauty of yoga comes in. Action, like everything else, needs balance. Too much effort, and we burn out. Too little, and we collapse into inaction.

Anusara yoga calls this balanced action—a harmony of effort and surrender, grit and grace, striving and ease. It’s about showing up every day and doing the work while trusting the process, knowing that not everything is in our control.

When we embody balanced action, we move forward sustainably, joyfully, and without forcing or grasping. It’s not about pushing so hard that we lose ourselves, nor is it about waiting passively for life to happen to us. It’s a dance between effort and trust, intention and release.

A Practice for Balanced Action

Take a moment to pause. Find a comfortable seat.

  1. Align Your Body: Sit tall, grounding your sit bones into the earth and lifting your pubic bone gently toward your navel. Let your shoulders stack over your hips, creating a strong, steady line of energy.

  2. Breathe with Awareness: Close your eyes and tune into your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling the space in your heart expand. Exhale fully, softening your shoulders and releasing tension.

  3. Focus Your Mind: If you have an intention, hold it lightly in your hands or imagine it as a radiant light in your heart. If there’s an action you’ve been avoiding, place that in your heart instead.

  4. Embody the Energy: As you breathe, let the energy of your intention or action fill you up. Imagine it aligning with your body and breath, preparing you to move forward with clarity and grace.

  5. Seal Your Practice: Bring your hands together at your heart, bow your head, and silently commit to taking the next step—however small—toward your dreams.

The Dance of Grit and Grace

Balanced action isn’t just a yoga concept; it’s a way of life. When we move with intention and surrender, we create a sustainable path toward transformation. We honor the wisdom of the process while embracing the courage it takes to act.

So, what’s the action you’ve been avoiding? What step can you take today to move closer to the life you desire? Remember: the sweet spot isn’t found in perfection; it’s found in the balance between effort and ease.

You’ve got this. Trust yourself, take the next step, and watch your intentions blossom into reality.

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