Fit Body, Calm Mind: A yoga journey of transforming a relationship with food and exercise.

care destress eat well emotional wellbeing energy habits living well menopause routine Jan 08, 2024

Imagine being in so much pain that your body is exhausted. Picture writhing on the floor, suffering from chronic fatigue, experiencing excruciating period pains, vomiting at the sight of most foods, and feeling worthless and unlovable. This was my reality in my early 20s. My tumultuous relationship with myself and my body began at the age of 12 when I embarked on my first diet.

At 12, I joined a friend on a salad-only diet to lose weight. Little did I know that this dieting pattern would become a decade-long struggle, leading me to associate my self-worth with my body's appearance. I engaged in excessive exercise, often punishing myself for indulging in food. My perception of beauty and love became entangled with the size of my clothing and the mirror's reflection.

By the time I was 22, I developed glandular fever. Despite doctors advising rest and recovery, my self-loathing prevented me from taking care of myself properly. I continued to exercise rigorously and maintain unhealthy eating habits, resulting in chronic fatigue and a weight of 65 kgs at 165 cm.

Seeking help, I discovered an acupuncturist who was also a yoga teacher and nurse. Her holistic approach and emphasis on science-based nutrition transformed my life. Under her guidance, I adopted yoga, altered my diet, and prioritized self-care. The impact was profound—I lost weight, healed my body, and overcame hormonal imbalances that had plagued me since my early 20s.

My turning point occurred during a painful episode at work, where I sought immediate help from the acupuncturist. Through a combination of yoga, dietary changes, and self-love, I reclaimed my health. The process was not about quick fixes but understanding the science behind the recommendations and creating a sustainable lifestyle.

Fast forward to my 40s; I faced a weight gain due to a toxic relationship. Recognizing the emotional impact on my well-being, I ended the relationship and shed the weight. I also incorporated strength training to counter muscle loss, realizing the importance of a balanced approach to health.

Now, as a yoga teacher, I share my journey to empower others. My program, Fit Body, blends science-based nutrition with self-reflection, helping individuals make lasting transformations. It's not about fad diets; it's about understanding your body, practicing self-love, and creating a lifestyle that supports your well-being.

Join me on this transformative journey, not for a short-term fix but to anchor yourself in self-love and kindness. Let's embrace a lifestyle that nurtures our bodies and frees us from the shackles of self-hate. I'm Kristina from Yoga to Transform, and I look forward to guiding you toward a healthier, happier you.


Learn more about our Fit Body programme here: Yoga To Transform

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