Giving Yourself Permission to Relax

breath breath work mindfulness physical poses relax self-care self-love Sep 01, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, where the demands of work, family, and personal goals often seem unrelenting, finding a moment to truly relax can feel like an elusive luxury. However, it's crucial to recognise that relaxation isn't a luxury—it's a necessity for maintaining overall well-being. One powerful practice that not only promotes relaxation but also encourages self-acceptance is yoga. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of yoga and how it can help you give yourself permission to relax.

The Modern Dilemma: A Need for Relaxation

The constant hustle and bustle of modern life often leave us feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. The pressure to be constantly productive and connected can take a toll on both our physical and mental health. It's easy to forget that relaxation is a fundamental aspect of a balanced life. It's not only about physically resting the body; it's about calming the mind, releasing tension, and allowing ourselves to simply be without judgment.

Yoga: More Than Just Poses

Yoga is often misconstrued as a series of physical postures (asanas) alone. While the physical aspect is significant, yoga is a holistic practice that engages the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is about cultivating awareness, mindfulness, and self-compassion. It provides a space to reconnect with yourself and create a place of quietness amid the chaos of life.

Permission to Relax: A Radical Concept

Giving yourself permission to relax can be a surprisingly challenging task. We might feel guilty for taking time for ourselves or worry that we're neglecting our responsibilities. However, relaxation isn't self-indulgence; it's self-care. It's about recognising that by recharging your own batteries, you can ultimately show up better for yourself and those around you.

The Role of Yoga in Relaxation

  •    Mindful Presence: Yoga encourages you to be present in the moment. Through mindful breathing and conscious movement, your draw your attention away from worries about the past or future, allowing you to be in the now. This shift in focus naturally leads to relaxation as we let go of the mental clutter.
  •    Physical Release: The physical asanas in yoga help release tension and stress stored in the body. Each pose is an opportunity to stretch, strengthen, and let go of pent-up energy. This physical release often mirrors an emotional release, fostering a sense of lightness and ease.
  •    Self-Compassion: Yoga teaches us to approach our practice with self-compassion and non-judgment. We learn to honour our bodies' limitations and celebrate our progress, rather than striving for perfection. This same attitude can be extended to our everyday lives, giving us permission to relax without self-criticism.
  •    Breath and Relaxation: Central to yoga is the emphasis on breath. Learning to control and deepen the breath has a profound effect on the nervous system, triggering the relaxation response. Breathing techniques practiced in yoga can be applied to daily life to manage stress and promote calmness.

Creating a Relaxation Practice

  •    Set Aside Time: Carve out a dedicated time for relaxation. Just as you schedule meetings and appointments, prioritise this time for yourself.
  •    Create a Space: Designate a peaceful space for your relaxation practice. Whether it's a corner of your room or a small outdoor area, make it your sanctuary.
  •    Mindful Breathing: Begin with simple mindful breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Let go of racing thoughts and immerse yourself in the sensation of breathing.
  •    Gentle Movement: Incorporate gentle yoga poses into your routine. Start with easy stretches and gradually progress to more complex poses. Listen to your body and never push yourself into discomfort.
  •    Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion during your relaxation time. Release any expectations of how things should be and accept the present moment as it is.
  •    Consistency: Just like any other practice, consistency is key. Regularly integrating relaxation through yoga into your routine will yield the most significant benefits over time.


Yoga is not just a physical activity; it's a transformative journey toward self-awareness, self-acceptance, and relaxation. By engaging in this ancient practice, we can grant ourselves permission to step away from the demands of life and find solace in the present moment. Remember, relaxation isn't a luxury—it's a vital component of a balanced and fulfilling life. So, take a deep breath, unroll your yoga mat, and embark on the path of self-discovery and relaxation that yoga offers. Your well-being deserves it.




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