Living a Heart-Centered Life: Beyond the Voice of the Ego

Oct 08, 2024

In the journey of yoga and spiritual growth, there’s a profound shift that happens when we begin to live a heart-centered life. It’s the journey from the ego’s loud demands to the soft, wise whispers of the heart. This is a practice that requires courage, softness, and deep listening. And it transforms the way we move through the world.

We often hear the voice of the ego first. It’s loud, brash, and insistent. In the words of A Course in Miracles, “The ego is suspicious at best and vicious at worst.” It’s the part of us that reacts out of fear, seeking control, driven by judgment and separation. The ego shouts and creates walls around us, isolating us from love, connection, and inner peace.

But there is another voice, a quieter one, that speaks from deep within us. It’s the voice of the heart, the essence of who we truly are. This voice whispers kindness, compassion, love, and forgiveness. While the ego reacts, the heart responds. The ego seeks to protect us through force, while the heart seeks to embrace life through softness.

The Heart Speaks Second

In spiritual practice, the first step is recognizing that the ego will often speak first. When we’re challenged, stressed, or facing difficult situations, the initial reaction is usually one of defensiveness, anger, or fear. That’s the ego trying to keep us safe in the only way it knows how—by building walls.

But if we pause, breathe, and allow ourselves a moment of stillness, we create the space to hear the second voice. This is the voice of the heart. It’s softer, gentler, and rooted in love. The heart doesn’t need to shout because it knows its truth. It whispers, inviting us to lean into love, to respond with kindness, and to trust in the goodness that exists within us and around us.

The Practice of Softness

One of the key elements of living a heart-centered life is softness. And this is not the weakness that the ego fears—this is strength in its purest form. It’s the kind of strength that doesn’t need external walls for protection. When we are grounded in the heart, we are strong from the inside out.

In Anusara yoga, we emphasize the practice of opening the heart. Physically, this involves poses that lift and expand the chest, like backbends, that help us embody this openness. But it’s more than just a physical practice. To open the heart, we also need the grounding of the legs—the stability that anchors us into the earth. This grounding creates the safety for the heart to open fully, for us to feel both strong and soft at the same time.

Courage and Kindness

Living from the heart requires courage. The courage to not listen to the ego’s voice of suspicion and fear. The courage to stay open, even when the world feels uncertain. The courage to be kind, even in the face of harshness.

As my sister once shared with me, borrowing a piece of wisdom from Cinderella, “Have courage and be kind.” This simple yet powerful advice sums up what it means to live from the heart. We cultivate the courage to pause and listen to the heart, and we allow kindness to be our guide as we move through life.

A Practice for the Heart

Here’s a simple practice you can use to reconnect with your heart throughout the day:

  1. Pause and Breathe – When you notice the ego’s voice rising up, take a moment to stop. Close your eyes, place your hands on your heart, and take a deep breath in. Feel the rise and fall of your chest and anchor yourself in your body.

  2. Ask the Heart – In that moment of stillness, ask yourself: What does my heart say? Listen for the soft whisper. It might ask for more kindness, more patience, more love. Trust that this voice, though quiet, is your true guide.

  3. Extend Love to Others – As you go through your day, practice seeing others with the same compassion. Look at the people around you and silently remind yourself: Just like me, this person longs to be happy. Just like me, this person longs to be loved. This practice softens the barriers between us and others and helps us move through life with more openness.

Living in the Heart

Ultimately, living a heart-centered life is about choosing love over fear, kindness over judgment, and softness over hardness. It’s a daily practice, a spiritual journey that leads us back to the truth of who we are.

And the truth is this: We are love. We are kindness. We are peace.

When we live from the heart, we align ourselves with this truth. We no longer need the ego’s defenses. Instead, we meet the world with open arms, trusting in the wisdom of our hearts to guide us through.

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