Mindful feeling - learning to accept your feelings
Jan 01, 2024
Learning to accept your feelings can be powerful. Sometimes, it's tough because you might think some feelings are good, and others are bad. When you feel the "bad" ones, you might think, "I shouldn't be feeling this way." But it's okay to feel all kinds of emotions.
Emotions are messages. They either protect you or connect you to others. Mindfulness helps you stay in the present moment, and accepting your feelings is part of that. It doesn't mean you have to like what's happening; it means accepting how you feel about what is happening.
Imagine a friend lets you down. Instead of getting mad, step back and say, "I feel frustrated; it's okay." Don't analyze too much. Just observe and name the emotion. This helps break you free from the overwhelming feeling.
I recently got annoyed with a friend. I sat with my feelings about the annoyance for two weeks. It made me realize I do similar things to the thing my friend did that annoyed me. Acceptance doesn't mean changing the emotion; it means sitting with it until you can see it differently.
Acceptance reduces suffering. It might take time, and you might feel many emotions before accepting. But once you do, new possibilities open up. You become a neutral observer, rather than someone who gets too emotional.
Mindfulness helps you understand your emotions' intentions. They could be protective or help you connect with other people. This is linked to your intuition, fine-tuning your senses. Notice your feelings, images, words, and sensations. Take it all in.
You can practice mindful listening. It's different from just hearing. Hearing is passive; listening is actively being aware of sounds. Sometimes, we're surrounded by noise, but we don't really listen. Mindful listening helps you be aware of and hear what's happening now.
Listening is a powerful tool. It can help you build empathy and connect with others. Listening happens not just with your ears; it's also about listening to your own intuition.
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