Opening to Receive Love: The Yogic Path to Grace
Feb 17, 2025
We are in the month of love, a time when we are invited to soften, surrender, and expand our capacity to receive. This month, our guiding theme is opening to receive love—a profound practice that invites us to shift from resistance to acceptance, from contraction to expansion, from fear to love.
From a yogic perspective, our journey through life is about anchoring into three overarching principles: Sat, Chit, and Ananda—truth, consciousness, and bliss. These principles guide us into a deeper embodiment of peace, joy, and love. When we learn to move through life with these as our foundation, we cultivate a heart that is receptive, resilient, and radiant.
The First Principle: Opening to Grace
In Anusara Yoga, the first principle is Open to Grace. This is the foundational step in living a love-filled life. To open to grace means to open to the flow of life itself—to surrender our resistance, our expectations, and our attachments to how things “should” be. When we close ourselves off to the reality of what is, we cut ourselves off from love, from joy, and from the deep wellspring of peace that is always available to us.
One of the most potent affirmations we can practice is:
I love life as it is.
Take a moment to say that out loud. Feel it in your body. Let it settle into your heart.
I love life as it is.
The Power of Acceptance
So much of our suffering comes from resisting what is—from believing that something should have turned out differently, that someone should have behaved in another way, that circumstances should have unfolded according to our plan. This resistance creates tension in the body, mind, and heart, blocking the natural flow of love and grace.
The practice, then, is to stay open to life as it is—to trust ourselves enough to ride the waves of life without shutting down, without hardening our hearts. When we surrender to what is, we free ourselves from unnecessary suffering. We become conduits for truth, consciousness, bliss, peace, love, and joy. And in doing so, we bring more love into the world.
Living a Love-Filled Life
Opening to love is not about passivity or resignation—it is about deep trust. Trust in life. Trust in yourself. Trust in the divine intelligence that orchestrates all things. It is about meeting life with an open heart, even in the face of uncertainty, even in the face of discomfort.
As we move through this month of love, may we practice softening, surrendering, and embracing life as it is. May we anchor ourselves in truth, consciousness, and bliss. And may we remember that when we open to grace, we are opening to the infinite love that is already within us, waiting to be received.
I love life as it is.
May this affirmation guide you into deeper love, presence, and joy.
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