The Gift of Presence: Embracing Heart-Opening Practices in Yoga

Jul 27, 2024

In our yoga practice, we often come into poses that require us to broaden across the shoulders, lift and open the heart, and support it with conscious awareness. These heart-opening poses teach us to hold a conscious witness state within our own hearts. Learning to stay present in our hearts while life unfolds around us is one of the most powerful forms of presence and healing energy we can offer ourselves and others.

When we can sit in our own hearts as emotions arise and life happens, we cultivate a profound sense of presence. This practice is not just about physical alignment but about maintaining an open-hearted state of being. It allows us to be fully present with ourselves and those around us, offering the gift of our undivided attention and acknowledgment.

This concept reminds me of a quote: "Why do we call this present moment the present? Because it truly is a gift." Our presence, our ability to be fully present, is indeed a gift. When we are present, we are not lost in the past or the future; we are here, now, witnessing life as it is. This presence is a powerful gift for ourselves and for anyone we interact with. People can sense when we are truly with them, seeing them, hearing them, and acknowledging them without distraction.

Our ability to stay open-hearted and present is nurtured through the practice of yoga. Heart-opening poses like Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) are beautiful opportunities to witness our ability to hold our hearts open and be present with whatever arises.

As we move through life, emotions surface as symptoms or surface-level experiences. In our practice, we learn to allow these emotions to be, sitting in a state of presence and witnessing. This is the essence of yoga—learning to be a witness and hold space for all that is.

Take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes and tune into the rhythm and flow of your breath. Breathe deeply through your nose, into your heart space. As you inhale, lengthen through the sides of your body, broaden across your collarbones, roll the heads of your arm bones back, and soften your shoulder blades down your back. Draw your ears back and bring your awareness to the present moment.

Begin to witness the flow of your breath, the sensations on your skin, the feeling of your clothes, the sounds around you, and the visuals behind your eyelids. Notice the taste in your mouth, the sensations in your body, the feelings in your heart and gut, and the narratives running through your mind. Practice being present with it all, witnessing it without judgment.

Bring your hands together in front of your heart. Remember that each breath, each pose, and each moment of awareness is an opportunity to cultivate this gift of presence. Embrace the journey of opening your heart and being fully present, both on and off the mat.

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