Twists: An Inside-Out Perspective

Jan 28, 2024

Have you ever noticed how a change within can transform the world around you? Audrie recently shared her annual course experience, claiming it was the smoothest yet. We dove into the conversation, pondering whether it was the people or Audrie herself who were different. From a yogic perspective, the inside reflects the outside—a concept known as macrocosm reflecting the microcosm. As we explore twists in yoga, let's use this concept to understand how these movements embody an inside-out transformation.

The Inside-Out Shift: Audrie's journey echoed this idea that internal growth shapes external experiences. When we invest in personal development, the changes within us radiate, and influence the world we experience. It's like a ripple effect—transform within, and the outside transforms too.

Twists in Anusara yoga are inside-out movements, emphasizing starting at the back body, and moving up the spine from the back body and the core. It's not about forcing the body into a twist; instead, it's a gradual journey from the center to the periphery.

Twists offer more than just a physical stretch. They are purifying and detoxifying, helping release tension and stagnant energy. Picture it as a gentle cleanse for both body and mind. By engaging in twists, we invite a sense of internal renewal and rejuvenation.

For twists to unfold effectively, a stable foundation is crucial. Imagine the hips as the anchor—keeping them steady creates a solid base for the twist. It's not about twisting haphazardly; it's about moving with intention and grounded stability.

Twists provide a unique opportunity to connect with our core, both physically and metaphorically. As we twist from the inside out, we tap into our inner strength and resilience. This journey of self-discovery is reflected in the fluidity of the twist itself.

Audrie's experience on her annual course showcased, the internal transformation that occurs within you as you dive deep into the practices of Yoga, are reflected in the external realm. Twists in yoga beautifully encapsulate this concept—an inside-out movement that purifies, detoxifies, and connects us to the stability of our center and from that place we can affect the world around us. As you embark on your yoga practice, consider the twists not just as physical exercises but as a profound journey of self-discovery and renewal.

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