You can use props and modifications to make yoga easier and accessible
Oct 23, 2022
People often think they have to be able to touch their toes or put their feet behind their head to be worthy of or benefiting from a yoga practice. But this perception and thinking couldn't be further from the truth.
While pictures on Instagram make extreme yoga poses look like this is the point of the yoga practice, these pictures (as beautiful and inspiring as they are) don't tell the whole story of what it means and requires to have a yoga practice that supports you in body, mind and spirit.
Yoga, when taught well is for EVERYBODY.
Yoga, when taught well meets you, exactly where you are at.
There is no requirement to achieve a picture-perfect pose, there is only the requirement to find peace with your unique expression of the pose. This is why we work hard at Yoga to Transform to break down the myth that yoga poses need to look a certain way and are keen to introduce you to the repertoire of props and modifications that you can use to support you in your practice.
As a beginner to yoga:
* You always have permission to use support
* There are many common props used in yoga and in our online beginner's yoga course we outline what they are for and how to find items around the home that could serve the same purpose
* There are always modifications for key poses if you have tight hips and hamstrings
* As you improve you can take advantage of progressions in poses - you can always build more challenge into the same pose with progressions
* Childs pose or savasana are always available to you to go into, at any point in the class
Yoga is a personal practice, and you are not meant to ever compare where you are in your own practice to anyone else. We are all unique and the point of the practice is to deepen your awareness and understanding of yourself.
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