You dream of feeling fit, calm, and fabulous, but struggle to find the time and support you need.
Whether you’re busy in the workforce, navigating motherhood or embracing mid-life, the demands of daily life can make it hard to prioritise your health.
That’s where the Online Studio comes in.
We designed this for women like you who want to feel strong, healthy, and in control of their wellness—without sacrificing time, fun, or flexibility.
A Transformation at home - yoga at your fingertips...
Go all-in on your yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and you'll transform your body, mind, and soul in ways you never imagined.
About the Online Studio
✔️ Special membership discounts and deals
✔️ Access a library of 100's of yoga classes, anywhere, anytime.
✔️ Practice with our library of simple, easy and fun yoga classes.
✔️ Choose a 15 minutes class or longer ones to suit your time, space and mood.
✔️ Classes are themed and organised for your easy selection
✔️ Repeat the classes that you love, anytime, anywhere.
✔️ New classes added on a regular basis.
✔️ Choose restorative, Yoga Nidra, meditation and mindfulness classes that support you beyond your physical yoga practice.
Love - try our multitude of classes themed to help you connect deeper to your heart and live a love filled life
Anusara Principles - learn Anusara universal principles of alignment and philosophy
Moon - connect with the cycles of the moon in our moon phases classes
Twists - detox and purify your system and mind.
Chakras - clear and balance these major energy center to support your overall wellbeing
Myths of the asanas - learn the myths of the class focus pose and how you can apply the lessons in your life
Breath based flows - to align your body to your breath and move
Yama and Niyama - anchor into these observances of yoga in your practice to take them off the mat into your life
Release resistance - if you want to breakthrough these classes support you to shift your resistance
Living intentionally - what do you desire? Learn to ask for it and allow it to arrive
Core workout - cultivate a deep internal strength
Intermediate - take your yoga practice deeper with more advances sequencing and peak poses
Restorative and Yin - nurture yourself, rest and relax
Meditation and Pranayama - add in practices from the other Yoga limbs to supplement your physical practice and support your transformation
The Online Studio is a wonderful place to always have yoga at your fingertips, and practice in a safe, supported and fun way.
Subscribing to the Online Studio you're committing to your physical and mental well-being on your terms. No need to choose between wellness and your lifestyle. Have both!
Discover a stronger, more empowered version of you—without the stress. Get the tools and support you need to feel fit, calm, and fabulous.

“After a lifetime of being a gym junkie I stopped going to the gym and my only exercise was yoga and walking, people would ask me how I could be so muscular and strong” - Kristina
Because of the variety of movement and the shapes we put our bodies into during a practice, Yoga keeps the spine and body youthful and functional.
As your body changes your ability to move through life improves.

“When I first started practicing yoga, I couldn’t even breath into my belly or didn’t expand my diaphragm because I didn’t want to make myself look any bigger” – Audrie
You function a little better drawing in with every single breath exactly what you need. And, with every single exhale you are letting go of that which no longer serves you .

Yoga supports your digestive fire and helps you to digest your food in a more efficient way.
Your internal organs are important to keep your body and wellbeing functioning optimally. If you are not looking after your internal organs, you may suffer from more illness and disease and may even shorten your lifespan.
“Twists are so great for massaging your internal organs” - Audrie
Some of you may even lose a little weight as a result of your Yoga practice.

WATCH: Yoga Helps Mental Health - YouTube.
The physical and meditation practices of yoga help you to practice to calm, still and quiet your mind from the consistent chatter that contributes to your stress and emotional unease. You are taught through Yoga to separate yourself from your thoughts by becoming their witness.
The simple act of taking a deep belly breath allows you to calm and still your mind. It gives you the ability to learn to break your pattern of diving deep into anxiety, depression or fear.
As you learn to harness the power of your mind through the practice of Yoga, you take back control of your life.

“Living in the present moment gives you the best opportunity to have a great life” - Audrie
Yoga helps you to bring your attention to how you are in the moment and to embrace that fully, and peeling back all the layers of who you think you are, so that who you truly are can be revealed.

“The way I use Yoga in my life is that it is a preventative practice. I’m preventing myself aging badly and keeping my body as physically fit, healthy and vital as I possibly can” – Kristina
If you already have back pain, or an injury, or are working with a physical misalignment in your body working one to one with a well-trained yoga teacher, can support you to heal your physical pain, injury and misalignment.
What people are saying about Yoga to Transform

Enjoy your relaxed presentation and variety.

I found your sessions catered to all levels of fitness and had such a calming quality sometimes I would just watch because I found your manner and voice very very soothing

Why practice Yoga with Yoga to Transform?
Kristina and Audrie met in a yoga class in 2008. After many years of friendship and growth here we are. Finally sharing our combined vision and love of yoga.
Because of our broad backgrounds we combine Yoga with the power of personal development to offer something that we know is really transformative - because we have experienced the transformative benefits of Yoga in our own lives.
Yoga to Transform is here to connect you to the broader aspects of Yoga. Because it's the Yoga behind Hatha Yoga that keeps Audrie and Kristina hooked.
We know Yoga has become enormously popular in the western world in recent decades. But a lot of what is being taught as Yoga is not very much about yoga, yes, you do the physical exercises, but you miss the Yoga part of the Yoga.
Once we start focusing on the Yoga part of Hatha Yoga, this is what makes us strong inside and able to approach life in a way that is more accepting.
We see it as a transformation of your life as you develop your yoga practice using all aspects of Yoga, not just the asana.