$297.00 NZD

Ultimate Body and Beauty Blueprint

What do you really want for your body?


You've been on the dieting and exercise circuit for a while. Trying to find the solution to the pain you have about being:

* the wrong weight,

* the wrong dress size, 

* saggy in certain body areas,

* increasingly wrinkled,

* in peri-menopause and all the things that come with it,

* someone with a rapidly decreasing mojo.

You've been focussed on the number on your bathroom scales, what the next diet fad expert has to say and trying so many external approaches to feeling confident and comfortable in your body that you never actually managed to achieve the lasting results you desired. The fact is, you haven't achieved the results you wanted because you were focused on all the wrong things.

You want a body and beauty blueprint that will solve all your perceived problems for the rest of your life. You want to feel sexy and attractive for the rest of your life. You want your mojo back. You want what that older radiant, alluring woman who smiles with her whole face and eyes has; because she doesn't seem to realise you are meant to lose your sex appeal and attractiveness when you get older. 

You're over counting the calories, judging your food as good or bad, feeling guilty about eating the *bad* foods and rewarding yourself at the end of the day for being *good* with that 'sinful' glass of wine or packet of chips. 

You've decided it's time for you to look and feel fabulous in your clothes, to look in the mirror and like what you see, to enjoy every morsel you eat, to feel sexy and vibrant in the body you are in.

And you know this time you need a tailored blueprint that understands who you are, where you are out of balance, what you long for, where you have been and shows you how to get to where you are going. 

This coaching offers you the blueprint in the following support to kick start your journey into holistic Feminine Strength:

* Comprehensive intake assessment forms

* 40 minute initial consultation to identify who you are, where your imbalances are and what you desire for your body, mind and life

* 40 minute initial recommendations session to discuss your ultimate body and beauty blueprint 

* 40 minute final session to agree your Ultimate Body and Beauty Blueprint roadmap so you can step into your Feminine Strength

Sign up today to get your ultimate body and beauty blueprint and say good bye to all the pain, stress and overthinking your negative body image and relationship has caused you over the years.

You are about to step into exciting period of positive transformation so you can step into your feminine strength.

Please note â€“This site is intended to provide you with information and educational material therefore individual results may vary. This site is not intended to provide medical advice or make medical diagnoses please seek advice from a Health professional.